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                Position> > English > About Us >
                About Us
                Respect for the Honesty: Respect for others, honesty, gratitude, accumulation of love for the world, and even good deeds. Teaching etiquette, talking about management order, precipitating virtue; not being greedy, short-sighted, cautious and reflective, developing with the enterprise, and being content with the future.
                Innovation and self-improvement: it is the road of scientific development, the spiritual courage to dare to be the first, the scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts, the will to practice with time and action, because innovation, self-improvement.
                Corporate vision, sharing the world's responsibility, making the world strong
                Corporate Mission, Accomplishing Customers, Wealthy Employees, Serving the Society
                Enterprise Target Service Provider for Total Solution for Electric Heating, Water Treatment, and Mixing Equipment
                Concentrate on creating a boutique, single-minded and self-reliant
                Dedication, unity and friendship, patriotism and law-abiding, good and honest
                Speak spirit, speak passion, talk about team, give dedication, talk about being a ladder
                Speaking of friendship, telling love, telling complicity, telling win-win, and striving for achievement
                Diligence, self-respect, innovation, self-improvement, hard work, and courage
                Carrying development platform, staff members do their best, cadres do their best, and the top management is full of wisdom.

                Contact Us

                Qingdao Tongfang Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd.
                ADD:No. 77, Zhuhai Road, Economic Development Zone, Pingdu City, Qingdao, Shandong, China