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                Name:Continuous row, fixed row, hydrophobic expansion container equipment

                The company always adheres to the principle of Quality First, Customer Supreme and adheres to the development concept of advance with the times, develop and innovate, achieve customers and win the future together, and strengthen the scientific management ...

                The company always adheres to the principle of "Quality First, Customer Supreme" and adheres to the development concept of "advance with the times, develop and innovate, achieve customers and win the future together", and strengthen the scientific management to provide customers with the most satisfactory products and services. At present, the company can design and produce all kinds of large-scale reverse osmosis water treatment equipment, seawater desalination and sewage purification treatment equipment, chemical equipment, flue gas desulfurization equipment, power station auxiliary equipment (including a full set of chemical water according to international, national standards and customized requirements). Treatment system; high and low pressure deaerator; high and low heaters; heat network heater

                Contact Us

                Qingdao Tongfang Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd.
                ADD:No. 77, Zhuhai Road, Economic Development Zone, Pingdu City, Qingdao, Shandong, China