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                Position> > English > News > Company News >
                What are the functions of pressure vessels in the process?
                1. Reaction pressure vessel (R): mainly a pressure vessel for performing physical and chemical reactions of a medium. Such as reactor, reactor, decomposition pot, vulcanization tank, decomposition tower, polymerization tower, autoclave, super autoclave, synthesis tower, shift furnace, cooking pot, steaming ball, autoclave, gas generator, and the like.
                2. Heat exchange pressure vessel (E): mainly a pressure vessel for completing heat exchange of the medium. Such as shell-and-tube waste heat boilers, heat exchangers, coolers, condensers, evaporators, heaters, sterilizers, dyeers, dryers, steamers, preheaters, solvent preheaters, steamers, steaming Machine, electric steam generator, gas generator water jacket, etc.
                3. Separation pressure vessel (S): mainly used for pressure vessel for fluid pressure balance buffering and gas purification separation of the medium. Such as separators, filters, oil collectors, buffers, scrubbers, absorption towers, copper wash towers, drying towers, strippers, sub-cylinders, deaerators, and the like.
                4. Storage pressure vessel (C, wherein the spherical tank is B): mainly used for storing and containing pressure vessels such as gas, liquid, liquefied gas, etc., such as various types of storage tanks.

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                Qingdao Tongfang Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd.
                ADD:No. 77, Zhuhai Road, Economic Development Zone, Pingdu City, Qingdao, Shandong, China